Speeding Ticket Violations and When To Fight Them


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Speeding tickets are given out as a consequence for drivers who do not follow the posted speed limit, and are an important part of traffic control. With the overwhelming amount of injury and death that occurs as a result of motor vehicle accidents, traffic violations are put into place to keep the roads safe for everyone. However, there are a few cases where a speeding ticket can be issued to a driver who should not technically be considered guilty. Here are a few examples of when to fight a speeding ticket.

Your Driving Was Justified

There are a few, emergency situations where speeding can be successfully justified in county court. These are cases where a driver is forced to speed up in order to avoid serious injury of themselves or others. For example, a driver might speed past a reckless driver to avoid an accident. The key for this defense is to show the DMV administrative hearing judge that your actions were taken to prevent serious harm.

There’s a Citation Error

When a police officer issues you a ticket, the information must be completely correct in order for it to have any legal standing. If there is incorrect information on your speeding ticket, there is a high chance you can have it dismissed during your DMV administrative hearing. Check the ticket to make sure that the date, name, and license plate number for any inaccuracies. In addition, make sure that the citation lists the correct law violation code for your offense.

You Were Near a Similar Car

In heavy traffic, it can be difficult for a police officer to ensure that they are pulling over the right car. Speeding cars often zoom by in a flash, making it difficult for an officer to get a good look at the car in violation. This may result in the wrongful issuing of a speeding ticket. However, these types of tickets can easily be dismissed during a DMV administrative hearing, especially with the presentation of evidence. Beat your ticket by providing the judge with evidence of construction or heavy traffic that may have impaired the officer from finding the right vehicle to pull over.

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