Personal injury attorneys deal with auto accidents, slips and falls, faulty products, and a myriad of other cases every day, but once in a while, someone comes in with a rather… strange… story to tell. Here are a few of the weirdest personal injury claims out there.
The Case of the Malicious Parking Garage.
Everyone’s imagined it happening them: just as they’re leaving the parking garage, the big metal arm starts coming down too soon and slams on their car. Unfortunately for one man, this nightmare came true. Even worse, according to his personal injury claim, he was riding a scooter when it came-a-coming for him. Ouch!
The Case of the Exploding Scooter.
Speaking of scooters, one eldery man was casually riding a scooter when it did the most peculiar of things — it exploded. Luckily, there were people around at the time of the spontaneous combustion. Witnesses were able to pull him clear of the catastrophe.
The Case of Crippling Baldness.
Geremie Hoff from Missouri once sued a hair salon for causing her to have depression, emotional distress, counselling, and a loss of income. According to her personal injury claim, she went to the salon seeking to have her hair chemically straightened. Instead of having a head full of straight hair though, she wound up going bald after the treatment. Hoff said that the experience traumatized her so badly that she was forced to retire from her teaching career early. Hoff won her personal injury claim, and earned a settlement of $6,000.
Personal injury lawyers hear a lot of the same story, but every once in a while, someone will bring them a personal injury claim too strange to be made up. If you know of any other zany personal injury claims, feel free to share in the comments. References.