Are You Safe From Your Coworkers?


Injured on the job

Many Americans do not realize that workplace injuries can get truly bizarre. From inadvertently stapling their fingers to being bitten by their coworkers (yes, bitten!), even the most boring workplaces can get interesting fast — and not necessarily in a good way.

This Man Was Bitten By A Fellow Athlete

Everyone knows about it. Uruguay striker, Luis Sanchez, made history during this year’s soccer World Cup by being one of the only players to ever savagely bite his opponent on the shoulder. Since the incident, Sanchez has formally apologized and even gone so far as to describe the the whole thing as an accident.

Can Staplers Be Dangerous?

The short answer is yes, and you won’t believe how else office workers manage to hurt themselves. Apparently, slips, trips, and falls are pretty common among employees working the traditional 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. shift. “Office workers are 2 to 2.5 times more likely to suffer a disabling injury from a fall than non-office workers,” The Albert Einstein School of Medicine writes. How can you prevent getting hurt on the job, and some pretty awkward conversations with workers compensation attorneys? The educational institution further recommends getting up instead of leaning over to reach for something, and even something as simple as watching where you are going.

Watch Out For Rogue Barbie Bikes

“Cops were trying to take a man with a gun into custody when he lobbed the ‘Barbie bike bomb’ out the window, hitting four of them,” according to The Palm Beach Post. The police officers were attempting to arrest the man for murder charges. Unfortunately, the the cops struck by the child’s bike sustained multiple injuries, including a forehead gash, lacerations, and even a concussion.

Getting hurt on the job happens a lot more than you think — and in a lot more ways than you could possibly imagine, including bites from coworkers.
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