The most normal of days can have the most unexpected endings.
When your husband left for work that Monday morning you were expecting the first day of another typical work week. When you received the unexpected phone call late in the morning though, every thing that was normal ended. When you husband’s boss called to say that there had been an accident it took a second for what he was saying to register. Eventually, however, you began to comprehend that this phone call was a life changing event. In fact, no sooner had you heard the words explaining that your husband was the victim of a serious work related injury that another person from from your husband’s work was at the door ready to take you to the hospital.
For the next few hours you felt completely out of control. Although you remained reasonably calm on the outside, you knew that it was the doctors who were in charge of the medical decisions, your husband’s boss who was in charge of the information you were receiving. And while you knew that it was likely that everyone had your best interest in mind, you could not help feeling that this lack of control was something that you needed to do something about. Although you realized that the medical decisions were best made by the team of doctors and specialists, you simply could not get over the fact that you needed some way to begin managing the work side of this situation yourself.
A conversation with your sister got the ball rolling and she was able to contact a personal injury lawyer. This lawyer is the person who helped you begin to feel as if you could take some control. Your husband’s situation was not life threatening, but it was life changing. With the help of the personal injury attorney you were able to verbalize the questions that you had, able to begin the process of visualizing the implications of this work related injury, able to understand conversations about chemical exposure.
Work Related Injury Victims Can Face Years of Expensive and Extensive Recovery
Work related injury attorneys or wrongful death lawyers can help you and your loved ones understand the future needs that you may have. Whether you are looking at months, or years, of physical therapy and rehabilitation services or you are attempting to deal with the loss of life of a husband, wife, or adult child, a legal professional may be able to help. From understanding the medical terms and diagnosis to helping you predict the future costs, a legal team of personal injury lawyers can provide the assistance you may need. Whether you are dealing with an accident that just happened or you are faced with a lifelong condition that was caused by an unhealthy work environment, asking for legal advice or help may be able to help you find the answers and the help that you need.
Consider the facts and figures about work place and automobile accidents and deaths:
- 80% of all mesothelioma diagnoses can be linked to asbestos exposure.
- 2,500 people suffer from mesothelioma related death every year in the U.S.
- 192,069 fatal car crashes happened in the U.S. between the years 2003 and 2007.
- 55.7% of the fatal crashes that occurred between the years 2003 and 2007 involved at least one driver who was described as potentially committing an aggressive action. Unfortunately, 78% of people responding to the 2008 AAA Foundation Traffic Safety Culture Index rated aggressive drivers as a serious or extremely serious safety problem.
- 66% of fatal crashes are caused by aggressive driving, according to statistics from the NHTSA and Auto Vantage auto club.
- 40% of fatal work injuries were caused by transportation accidents.
Are you dealing with the expense, the stress, and recovery of a workplace accident or a traffic accident caused by someone else’s carelessness or aggression? Understanding the need for legal help may help you navigate the difficult days, months, and years after an accident. Working with a personal injury lawyer can help you predict your future needs and the challenges that you will face, challenges that are financial, emotional, and vocational. Are you ready to get the help you need?