Four Types Of Personal Injury Cases You Should Be Aware Of


What is personal injury

Despite the fact that there are thousands of personal injury cases pursued each year, many of us still don’t understand personal injury law, or what falls under it. In fact, a lot of people who could have pursued personal injury lawsuits haven’t simply because they haven’t been made aware of the fact that it’s an option. Many people are encouraged to remain quiet or ignore the ways that they’ve been wronged, simply because personal injury law is still somewhat mocked in American society. This is not only wrong — it often only benefits those who’ve made mistakes that have victimized others. It’s important to know your options when it comes to personal injury law. That way, you can get in touch with a law firm specializing in personal injury cases as soon as possible. Personal injury lawyers work the most effectively when they’re contacted as soon as possible, which is why it’s imperative that you talk to a lawyer even if you aren’t sure if you have a case on your hands. Below, we’ll look into some of the most common types of personal injury cases. The five most prominent types in America include auto accidents, medical malpractice, premises liability, and wrongful death claims. It’s easy to feel as if you’re alone in cases like these, but the reality is that there are many options available, and lawyers ready to help you.
1. Medical Malpractice Cases

Many of us have heard of medical malpractice cases, though some like to dismiss the lawyers who pursue such cases for their clients as “ambulance chasers”. Medical malpractice is a serious issue — and while it’s true that it isn’t extremely common, it does happen more often than most of us would think. Doctors aren’t superhuman; they do make mistakes. Certainly, some bad outcomes are impossible to avoid in medicine. But others can be avoided, and doctors should be held accountable for their mistakes as professionals. Personal injury lawsuits, it’s true, can hurt a doctor’s career. But if a mistake has hurt you or someone you love, you shouldn’t feel bad about pursuing a case. It could very well ensure that the same mistake doesn’t happen to someone else, as well as help you pay for costly medical bills, and potentially future care.

2.Car Accidents

The term “car accident” implies that whatever happens in cases like these was unavoidable. That’s simply not true. Each year, the U.S. sees about six million car accidents, and three million people are injured each year through car accidents on American roads. The fact is that many of these accidents occur because people were driving recklessly or perhaps even driving drunk. People need to be held accountable in circumstances like these, especially when the accidents are so avoidable. For that matter, when it comes to drunk driving in particular, lawsuits can bring to light extremely harmful habits. With people driving drunk 300,000 times each day — and fewer than 4,000 being arrested — your case could be a step towards much-needed change.

3. Premises Liability

While the term sounds strange, premises liability cases are often fairly straightforward. They are what is sometimes referred to as slip and fall cases, involving unsafe premises that should have been better maintained by the owner. They could involve snow and ice — for example, an improperly salted, icy parking lot is a hazard and could cause serious accidents. They might involve malfunctioning equipment; if an escalator is working improperly due to inadequate maintenance, people could be severely injured or even killed.

4. Wrongful Death Claims

Wrongful death claims aren’t filed by the wronged individual, obviously, but by their estate (which usually involves their loved ones). The claim is filed against the person liable for the death, however it occurred. This could involve any of the above mentioned circumstances if they resulted in death. It’s important to remember that personal injury lawyers don’t just help people who lived through their ordeals, but the loved ones of those who tragically did not.