Three of the Most Strange But True Cases of Workers Comp


What happens if i get hurt at work

A construction workers cuts himself with a power tool; an office workers suffers from chronic pain from having to hunch over a computer all day; or a chef slips on a wet floor and hurts herself. These are all a few examples of the most commons ways of getting hurt at work — but not the only ways.

People do silly, dumb things all the time while they’re working, and often wind up getting hurt on the job as a result of their actions. Some people might try to save face, paying for their medical bills themselves, but others are bold enough to apply for workers compensation.

Here are a few of the strangest ways people have gotten hurt at work, and then tried to get their employers to pay for their medical bills.

Complaining Customers Cause Ear Injuries.

One woman who’d suffered measurable hearing loss prior to her employment tried to get her employer to pay her for her loss of hearing that she claimed came as the result of long-term noise exposure from listening to customer complaints for years. Her claim was vague, though, and no one could prove just how badly she’d gotten hurt at work. As a result, her claim was dismissed.

Thieving Co-Workers Cause Psychological Injuries.

An assistant store manager had her car stolen while she was working. A week later, she found her car idling in the employee parking lot when she went in to work. The assistant manager approached the vehicle, and began a physical altercation with the driver. One of the claimant’s co-workers ran out of the store, jumped into the claimant’s vehicle, and drove off. The original driver ran off, leapt into the vehicle and got away. Afterwards, the assistant manager filed for workers comp, saying that she’d been psychologically hurt at work. Unfortunately for her, her claim was turned down.

Bowling Ball Explodes and Causes Man to Lose Eye.

One man got hurt at work after striking a bowling ball with a sledgehammer. On his second strike, the ball shattered and a piece flew into the claimant’s eye. The ruled against the claimant, saying that he’d acted in violation of a positive work order when he disobeyed his supervisor’s admonitions.

These are just a few examples of the dumb ways people get hurt at work everyday. If you have any personal experiences of your own, feel free to share in the comments. Continue: