How to Choose the Right Lawyer or Firm for Your Case


Los angeles bicycle accident attorneys

When you’ve been in any kind of accident, the next steps are terrifying. You’ve just been through a traumatic event, and now you’re tasked with finding personal injury attorneys to help get you compensation or justice. But are they even the right choice for your case? There are so many types of lawyers specializing in one thing or another, it can be easy to get lost in the mix. Take a look at some of the different types, and then do your own research to find someone right for you!

Personal injury attorneys.

Personal injury attorneys deal with tort law, meaning that something has caused an injury, but wasn’t necessarily illegal. They are qualified to deal with a whole slew of cases, which fall under the ‘accidents’ category. They may also deal with cases such as abuse, insurance issues, slander and medical malpractice. Car accidents are the most common in these case types, and 60% of those lawsuits are won by the plaintiff. They can cover a wide range of cases and are perfect for someone whose case needs a broad angle.

Accident and Injury Lawyers

These lawyers have less range than the attorneys, but can still help with accidents. They likely specialize in car accidents, and therefore have a more in-depth knowledge of what it takes to win your case. Most of their duties fall along the same lines as they attorneys, but they may be cheaper or better at a niche case.

Elder abuse lawyers.

Chances are if you have a loved one in a nursing home, elder abuse is always on your mind. It’s an unfortunately common occurrence in many senior homes, but an elder abuse lawyer can help. These lawyers specialize in senior care, and may be able to help not only your loved one, but others as well, due to their knowledge of these specific cases. Elder abuse would likely not fall under personal injury lawyers due to the fact that elder abuse is illegal (like any abuse), and there is an intent to cause harm.

Niche lawyers.

Maybe you want a lawyer who is very specific to your case. This is where you may do your research to find someone who works as a niche lawyer, such as a pedestrian accident lawyer or a slip and fall attorney. In fact, three out of four drivers who hit and kill are pedestrian aren’t even cited for the offense. These are great options for someone who needs a lawyers with a strong background in their specific case type, and it may be incredibly helpful in winning your case.

Do you have any experience with these types of lawyers? What would your advice be to someone new to looking? Let us know in the comments!

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