Three Peculiar Ways People Have Gotten Hurt at Work


Workmans compensation arizona

There are some pretty common ways of getting hurt at work, like overexertion, slipping and falling, or even being struck by a falling object. However, there are also some rather peculiar ways of getting hurt at work, too.

Here are some of the weirder ways that people have hurt themselves on the job.

Striking a Bowling Ball With a Hammer.

One Pennsylvanian paving worker found an old bowling ball near the parking lot he and his crew were working on. One crew member challenged the workers compensation claimant to break the ball with a sledgehammer. When it shattered on his second swing, a piece flew into the worker’s eye. Unfortunately, the worker didn’t receive compensation.

Tripping Over the Dog.

When people get hurt at work, they’re typically not at home… unless that is they work from home sometimes. Mary Sandberg was a decorator for J.C. Penny who had to go to her garage to get some fabric samples that she’d been keeping there. On the way, she tripped over her dog and broke her wrist, and consequently got workers comp to cover the cost of her injury.

Getting Stuck in a Cafeteria Booth.

One employee who weighed 360 pounds, suffered from diabetes, and had to walk with a cane broke her femur when she had trouble removing herself from a booth in a cafeteria where an employee appreciation dinner was being held by her employer.

Regardless of the circumstance, it would be in your best interest to seek out legal help if you get hurt at work so that you have your medical bills properly compensated for. If you don’t, you may find yourself having to foot expensive bills that you could otherwise have paid for.

If you have any questions about the common and uncommon ways people get hurt at work, feel free to ask in the comments.